Sophie's Chattanooga Newborn Photo Session

Baby Sophie was an absolute DREAM when she came to visit me last weekend! She was 10 days old, which was the perfect time to capture her newborn images. Sophie was over the "four-day-old" hump of cluster feeding, and her skin was so clear and beautiful. She slept throughout her entire session, save a few poses where we got to see those gorgeous blue eyes.

Her "relaxed" expression- the little tongue! So, so sweet. I love how every baby has their own little facial expressions and likes/dislikes right from birth. Sophie loved sleeping on both her back and her tummy (a lot of babies show a strong preference to one or the other.) And she loooooved being swaddled. Sleeping babies are just the most beautiful things in the world, in my opinion. I could have stared at that little face all day!

Here, you can see how well she slept- from being swaddled to slowly unwrapped in the woven bassinet.

I played around with this one in editing. I think I like the sea foam green with her skin the best.

Sweet Sophie dreaming about her mama, I think!

white sheet, white blanket, white bow. I love using white because it throws a very "clean" light on baby's skin and you can see their true skin color without any color casts. Her skin was beautiful. Lucky duck!

behind the scenes of the modified "froggy" pose- she slept right through it! Mom's hand is taken out in photoshop.

The overhead angle in this pose. It's so important to make sure that there is not too much pressure on their neck, shoulders, elbows, or wrists, and that their airway is not stretched. It KILLS me when I see photographers doing this pose, and you can tell that the airway is being arched too much. I usually will try this pose towards the end of baby's table time, once I have a feel for how they like their little body to be positioned. Sophie preferred to keep her knees back a bit, so I knew not to force them up. Baby's safety and comfort come first, always.

Detail shots!

sweet precious baby, sweet precious details.

At this point, I could tell baby Sophie needed a fresh diaper, so I started to wake her up for that.

She gave me some GREAT "angry baby" material in the process. Why are angry babies so stinking CUTE!

Oh, and I swear I didn't position her hand like that. She threw the bird out all by herself.

Sophie was happy and wanted to join the party after her bottle. Sophie's grandfather recently passed away, and Mom had this beautiful quilt made from his shirts. It's such a loving tribute and a way to incorporate him into Sophie's life. It was such an honor to be able to incorporate such a sentimental item into her newborn session.

Sophie seemed so easy going and relaxed during her wake window. I changed out her swaddle color, and she was happy to just listen to me chat with her. Sometimes I forget I'm even talking to them, I must sound crazy! "Sophie, what do you think? Floral headband or pink bow? Both? Okay! Do you want to hold a little bear? Does this peach wrap feel right to you? Should we add some flowers for the next shot?"

We tried the "all tucked in" pose again with a clean diaper and a full tummy, and little Miss Soph loved it. This shot is special because she could heard her mama talking from behind the reflector to the right of me and was looking for her.

Mom wore two gowns from my Client Closet- the grecian style gown from Reddress and a new V-neck twist front dress from Savannah Taylor in downtown Chattanooga. That boutique is a GIFT- love just about every single piece they carry. I'm sending EVERYONE there now! Both gowns are the same creamy cafe-au-lait color. Dad wore two shirts, a white and a blue, and we used a couple of different backdrops to give us variety in their gallery. Baby Sophie was so easy and sleepy, we got about 4x what I normally shoot for. We'll take it!

Sophie, you are a treasure.

Thank you for sharing her with me. I can't wait to see her again in a few months and marvel at how much she's grown and changed.

